InkLink CISS
Refill Inks
Refillable Cartridges
Single use Cartridges
Large Format Supplies
Media (Photo Papers & DVD)
Sublimation Products
Other Products
Printers & Offers
The InkLink™ ink system (CISS™) is used instead of standard inkjet cartridges. Simply explained the InkLink™ is a self contained unit with its own cartridges fed by tubing from a large ink reservoir which sits beside your printer. The system acts like a giant cartridge by feeding ink to the printer when required and can save up to 95% of your printing costs.
Our Platinum Series refill inks are made from premium grade materials and are profiled to an exacting match for each series printer to ensure accurate colour gamut.
UV filters and micro filtration ensure our inks provide stable and fluent printing, and great looking prints
In conjunction with one of Australias leading DVD/CD wholesalers we are now able to supply a range of blank media and photo papers.
We are always testing new blank media and papers and will be increasing our range shortly.
From empty cartridges, lengths of silicone tubing to compatible cartridge chips. We carry all the individual components of our inking systems should you ever need them
Our CIS systems comprise of many different replaceable components which can be replaced on a needs basis.
We also carry a range of refillable cartridges and resin encapsulated pigment inks for Epson brand large format printers
Why Rihac
Rihac has been paving the way in sustainable print innovation for over 15 years. Regarded as the global leaders in Continuous Ink Supply Systems (CISS) and after market Large Format Supplies, we are at the forefront of developing user friendly, environmentally-conscious and cost effective products.
Rihac set the bar for the highest standards in aftermarket ink technology and we are proud to be the preferred choice for premium quality inkjet products.
Here to Help
Our technical support and sales team are here to help and can assist you with all your pre purchasing through to post installation enquiries. Get in contact via phone, email or in person at our service centre in Melbourne. Known for exceptional phone support and up to date advice we will ensure you get the right product for your needs.
Contact us on 03 9005 5555 or email info@rihac.com.au

Rihac Innovative Products Honoured at the Australian Business Awards Rihac has been recognised as an ABA100 winner in the Australian Business Awards 2016 for New Product Innovation. |
Independent Product review Art Of The Image Matt Ballard Reviews rihac Inklink Epson WF-7510 Examining the savings and economics of using a rihac Inklink product over genuine OEM cartridges, as well as summarizing installation simplicity and product attributes. Direct link to the video can be found here https://youtu.be/QpgIuDgWwHQ |
Why do ink jet printer cartridges cost SO DAMN MUCH? It's an issue that has troubled us for decades. |
Are all Ink Systems the Same? Absolutely not. There is a great deal of difference between the Inklink and other CISS units available in the market place. Some are simply imported copies of the InkLink using low grade inks and components. These tend to be unreliable and require high maintenance as well as not being conducive to long term use. In our testing we found that units (particularly those imported from Asia) had a tendency to contain ink that has a high alcohol base. This leads to tube blockages and can cause damage to the print heads. The cartridge design on other units tend only to have a single head seal or rubber style seal which leak over time. We have developed our cartridges to ensure ink flow is even and consistent. Read more on our FAQ's page |
How to install a rihac Inklink CISS on a Brother LC133, LC131, LC135, LC137 Printer All our CISS are shipped with a full hard copy of our installation manual included in the box. Visit our Youtube channel for video instructions on selected models. Our Brother LC133 CISS comes pre chipped and prefilled with 400ml of Rihac ink and is equivalent to xx Brother cartridges. This would cost you about $1688.40 to purchase separately. We support a wide range of brother printers. Purchase your Brother compatible CISS here |
All brand name and trademarks are the property of their respective holders and are used for reference only.
The use of third party products or inks may void your printer warranty
©rihac.com.au 2023